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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator Class - The Week Ahead 4.3.24

Investigator Class - The Week Ahead 4.3.24

2 March 2024 (by Sarah Roberts (sroberts))

Last week…

Obstacle Course Challenge in aid of Sobell House

Investigator were amazing and clocked up many circuits of the course between them.  Thanks to the School Council (and Mrs Greenwood) who master-minded and managed the event.  Investigator school councillors actually missed their class treat (for winning the house point competition the previous week) as they had important obstacle course duties to fulfil – your dedication to your councillor role is noted and appreciated!

Y4 Swimming

Our second session of swimming lessons went very well.  To get the most out of the sessions we need to be well organised (arrive on time, change quickly, listen to instructions etc.). Our Year 4 children achieve all of that – keep it up team you are doing a great job! Please try to remember those swimming hats.

Next week…

Geography Topic and writing

Next week we will be finding out about different types of mountains.  Last week in English, the children produced some descriptive writing about their chosen spirit animal. This week in line with the theme of mountains, children will be writing a setting description.  Our class text, Asha and the Spirit Bird has inspired both pieces of writing and we have drawn on Jasbinder Bilan’s wonderfully evocative writing for inspiration.

Special Events Next Week

Next week is Henley Youth Festival and we have some special events coming up.

Wednesday - Y5 will be treated to a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Young Shakespeare Company. This takes place in our school hall.

Wednesday – Y4 is off to the Kenton Theatre to see BBC gastronaut Stefan Gates’ Rude Science Show.

Friday – Investigator (Y4 and Y5) will enjoy a digital art workshop. This takes place in school.

World Book Day is on Thursday and the Upper School will have a visit from award-winning author and illustrator, Rob Jones.


Have a great week!