Highflyer Class Term 4 Week 223 February 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt)) |
It was great to have such an enthusiastic response about learning our new topic - India. To start the term, we looked at food, focussing on comparing a UK breakfast to one in India. From that we made a mango lassi drink from which we wrote instructions and then wrote our own recipe with our choice of fruit. There were some interesting variations!
This week we are finding facts about India, locating it on the world map and researching the climate; comparing it to the UK's.
Maths - concluding our unit on money this week and including an assessment. Maths homework was sent home on Friday.
Football tournament for boys on Monday pm -leaving at 12.30pm. Please wear P.E. kit to school. There will be a girl's football tournament next week for a couple of teams. Please look out for an email with further details if your child will be part of this.
Forest School is on Tuesday as normal.
Friday is a non-school uniform day and there is an organised obstacle event to raise money for the Sobell House. It promises to be an exciting time. How many laps can we do? Please see the sponsor form sent home last Friday in book bags.
Have a lovely week!