Week Ahead In Discovery 26.02.2424 February 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles)) |
It has been a great start to term 4 and introduction to our new topic ' India'.
The children were so excited to see how to make and taste a mango lassi. Following a very practical activity, they wrote a set of instructions on how to make an Indian mango lassi.
I'm very grateful to those children who researched facts prior to the start of term 4. This week as part of English and topic homework has been set again on specific areas of learning through research on India. This information gathered will help support children, along with the learning in class to write a nonchronological report over the next 2 weeks.
Maths: Continuation with Fractions (A)
Afternoon subjects will continue as normal.
Swimming lessons on Tuesday.
Friday will be non- uniform day, obstacle race sponsorship forms were sent home on Friday along with next week's spellings.
Thank you all for your continued support. Wishing you all a good week ahead.
Ms Coles