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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class
  3. Endeavour Class: Term 4, Week 1

Endeavour Class: Term 4, Week 1

18 February 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge))

Welcome to term 4!! We are now officially over halfway through the academic year!

I hope you have all had a restful half term after our brilliant residential to Woodlands - it was challenging and quite tough at times but every single child worked through difficulties and fears and represented Nettlebed School beautifully. They should all be extremely proud of themselves.

This week we will be working in our Woodlands activity groups to create some PowerPoint presentations that the children will present in assembly this coming Friday. It would be wonderful to see any parents there that can make it.

In geography, we will begin learning about our new topic: 'Why is India described as the 'land of contrasts'? We will introduce our topic by using maps and atlases to locate major cities, rivers and mountain ranges. We will also begin reading our new class text - Asha & the Spirit Bird by Jasbinder Bilan.

Year 5 have Bikeability on Monday and Tuesday. Please bring bikes and helmets into the Endeavour garden in the morning.

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs Burbedge