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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 05.02.24

Week Ahead In Discovery 05.02.24

4 February 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

Final week of term 3!!

More than half of the academic year is 3 has been completed, as we move into term 4 after half term. The children have worked very hard and looking forward to a week off school.

Last week we concentrated on science 'Forces' ( Friction and magnetism), It has been good fun conduction various experiments in class from rubbing our hands together, wearing  woollen gloves, rubber gloves, using a Newton Meter using a school shoe on various surfaces and then adding weight to see how the impact on force varies. We also looked at metals that have good magnetic properties like: Iron and Nickle and some that are not: Copper and Aluminium. Learning about opposite magnetic poles attracting and like poles repel each other.

For our final week in term 3, we will write a newspaper report on based on an extract from the book 'Water Babies.' We will look at an example of a newspaper report and features. Highlight the 5 W's, incorporate all SPaG knowledge learnt to do date to write a report.  

Maths: Continuation of Length and Perimeter 

Afternoon subjects, will continue as normal this week. School will end at 3:30pm on Friday 9th Feb 2024 after star of the term assembly.

Spellings: I've given all children 2 sets of spelling for this week and the next (term 4 week 1). However, new set of spellings will appear on the class page for term 4.

Our next topic is 'India.' it will be lovely if the children can begin researching their next topic if possible. I've emailed the recommended  text book for next term. However, please continue to read Water Babies at home for daily reading activities.

Many thanks for your continued support and please look out for the curriculum letter + swimming in term 4.

Wishing you all a good week and a lovely half term.

Best wishes,

Ms Coles