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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator - Final week of Term 3

Investigator - Final week of Term 3

3 February 2024 (by Sarah Roberts (sroberts))

What a busy term we have had – and the final week has come around so quickly! The Y4 children already know that I will not be in school for the final week of term (I will be in Wales with Y5/6 on their residential trip) and they will be in the capable hands of Mrs Hall. Mrs Hall was with us all last year on long term supply cover and in fact she has already covered a day for me earlier in the year.  She knows the children and they know her.

The Romans has been a fascinating topic and one that children have shown a great deal of enthusiasm and interest for.  In this final week they will have opportunities to carry out their own research in an area that has particularly interested them and create their own presentations.

Last week we finished reading our Roman Diary – Iliona’s Journal  and this week children will be writing their own sequel, drawing on what they have learned about the culture and society of ancient Rome– I am looking forward to reading their further adventures.

In maths, we are bringing to a close our work on multiplication and division (for the time being).  Children have been using a range of strategies to calculate and have been learning to select the best method for any particular calculation.  In this unit we have not formally learned short division (the bus stop method) although I am aware that some children are familiar with this method; the focus has been on other methods which expose the underlying principles of division. When they are secure with these it is a small step to learn the standard short division method.  ATOM homework this week talks about using the bus stop method – children should use any method they are confident with.

Other areas of the curriculum continue as normal and PE days will remain the same.

I wish all Investigator children and their families a very enjoyable final week of term and of course a very happy half term holiday. I’ll see you all in Term 4.