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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 3 Week 4

Highflyer Class Term 3 Week 4

26 January 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))

Tea farmers in Malawi

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we continue to learn further about FairTrade and our writing will be linked to this.    What is the ethical choice when shopping for foods we like to eat and drink?   Who will benefit from our choices and how?   How will it affect the balance of rich and poor?

We are also looking at our science topic for this term.

In maths, we will be starting a new unit on 'money'.   

Maths homework is sorting 3D shapes by their properties.  Please encourage your child to ask for extra help in school if there is anything they do not understand before they hand it in on Friday.

Forest School is as normal on Tuesday afternoon.

Have a great week!