Nettlebed Community School

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  1. News
  2. Adventure Class
  3. Adventure class. T3, W2-3

Adventure class. T3, W2-3

19 January 2024 (by Virginia Gonzalez (vgonzalez))

 What a fantastic week it's turned out to be! The children have been incredibly energetic and engaged in various activities. I'm excited to share with you some delightful pictures capturing the memorable moments from this busy week.

Next weeks learning:

Phonics: “ee” sound, Trikies: my and by

Maths: we will use our subitising skills in complex arrangements, to beginning to quickly see the sub-groups within larger numbers. We will using spatial language to describe sub-groups within these arrangements.


Art: we will paint our lovely clay animals.

PSHE: Carrying on valuing differences.

Music: exploring instruments.