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  1. News
  2. Challenger Class
  3. Term 3, Week 2

Term 3, Week 2

14 January 2024 (by Grace Wall (gwall))

Challenger: Last week the children had fun creating timelines in History!


Last week the children had fun creating timelines in History (see picture).


This week we will explore the lives of the Rich and the Poor during Victorian times, looking at houses, schools and places of work. We will write information about what life was like for children living in a workhouse.   



This week’s spellings are on the sound u-e.

We are reading Shared reader 49 The Music of the Sea.

A digital version can be found here:



The unit this term is Place Value (within 20). This week we will learn about understanding numbers from 10-20.



The children will use painting software independently to create digital paintings and add text to it.


I hope you have a brilliant week!