Week Ahead In Discovery 15.01.2414 January 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles)) |
It has a been a good week to see the children return with happy faces after a long break from school. They've all settled in well and engaged with all the learning in class.
English/ Topic
We've introduced our topic 'Rich and Poor' last week and will continue to explore this topic. The children have been gathering information to enable them to write a non- chronological fact file this week.
Multiplication and Division unit part 2. It is lovely to see the children becoming more confident with their time tables. This is making teaching and learning a lot easier in class. I am very grateful to those who continue to practise at home regularly.
We have started our new topic on Judaism.
Homework- English/ Spag book homework due on Wednesday 17.01.24 along with Atom Learning maths homework. Spellings, reading and times table should be daily. Many thanks for all your help and support.
Wishing you all a good week.