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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 2 Week 2

Highflyer Class Term 2 Week 2

6 November 2023 (by admin)

Week beginning 6 November 2023

Week beginning 6 November 2023

This week we are looking at the story of Giant Finn using this book 'The Tall Tale of the Giant's Causeway'. This is an ancient Celtic tale as to how the Giant's Causeway came to be. One of our traditional legends between Northern Ireland and Scotland.

We are also introducing our Christmas play this week. More info to follow.


This week we start a new shared reader - The Great Escape. If it has not arrived already, there should be an email being sent to everyone about rich book talk ideas you can do with your child. I shall be sending out an email to Highflyer parents with the overview for this book that will be discussed in school so you will be able to chat about the story with an idea of prompt questions to help your child deepen their understanding.


Spellings have started last week and they will be tested on a Wednesday every week. They have been stuck in your child's planner for last week. They all start with 'wr' to help with the phonic focus of last week.

Phonic Focus

This week is: apostrophes for possession (and review words with / ir / ur / er /)


We are continuing the addition and subtraction unit. These are our learning points for this week:

  • Add three 1-digit numbers

  • Reasoning and Problem solving

  • Add to the next 10

  • Add across a 10

  • Subtract across a 10

There are also Mastering Number sessions to practice the small steps of understanding number at the beginning of the lesson.

Reminders - Forest School - Term 2

This week is Group 1's second session at Forest School on Tuesday afternoon. Please remember to bring in a full waterproof kit. Also, now the weather is more likely to be inclement, please provide a larger and suitable bag for them to put wet clothes into afterwards. Your child will need a change of clothes that cover their arms and legs, waterproofs/wellington boots for wet weather, a hat and drink. Old clothes are ideal as they will get muddy and torn in the wild area at school.

If your child is NOT doing Forest School presently, all can wear PE kit.

All Year 2 should wear PE kits to school on a Thursday.

Many thanks and have a lovely week!