Nettlebed Community School

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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 02.10.23

Week Ahead In Discovery 02.10.23

3 November 2023 (by admin)

Our school councillors in Discovery are Artemis and Reuben. Massive congratulations to them both!

Our school councillors in Discovery are Artemis and Reuben. Massive congratulations to them both!

The children enjoyed their class treat all week and the story of PC Ben and the clown, delivered by PCO Susan Haynes.

In English, everyone made a propaganda poster about healthy living. However, this week we will be writing poems for National Poetry Day on Thursday.

Maths: Continuation of Addition and Subtraction unit.

Times Table Rockstar logins are in your child's planner. Please could your child ensure they continue to practise regularly.

Afternoon subjects will continue as normal this week.

I am looking forward to meeting you all on during our parent's evening.

Wishing you all a good week ahead.