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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 25.09.23

Week Ahead In Discovery 25.09.23

3 November 2023 (by admin)

Massive congratulations to Joseph and Aaron! They are Discovery's new eco councillors.

Massive congratulations to Joseph and Aaron! They are Discovery's new eco councillors.

The whole school took part in National Fitness Day's 10@10 initiative. They did ten minutes of physical activity at 10am, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

The week ahead is equally exciting in Discovery. On 27th September at 10am PC Ben will visit our class to tell the children a story called 'The Clown Who Took Flight.' The story is about a Clown that wants to leave his town because he is different and PC Ben helps change his mind.

Last week in English, all the children wrote a non-chronological report on WW2. They used the information gathered from the previous week to consolidate their understanding by presenting their writing using a heading, introduction paragraph and sub- headings.

This week's focus will be making propaganda posters. We will look at the reasons for its importance during the war. The children will design their own posters regarding a healthy lifestyle. Time permitting, we will write an informal letter to our families as evacuees.

Maths: Place Value assessments have been completed and we are now beginning our Addition and Subtraction topic. Any practise at home would be really appreciated, once the topic has commenced.

Homework: New Maths homework has been set on Atom learning with a completion date 27.9.23. However, there was previous homework also set for that day.

English booklets have been sent home on Friday. Apologies to those children who have brought in a photocopy of test 1. There was an error with the number of copies ordered, but I'm hoping this will be rectified soon.

Spellings are also issued every Friday. Please ensure your child is practising them at home, along with their times tables.

Class Treat: Discovery have been fantastic and working very hard, which means this week they have won the class treat. From Tuesday to Friday they are allowed to wear slippers or crocs inside the classroom only and bring in a soft today (labelled). However, on Friday they can wear their pj's provided they have appropriate warm coats at playtimes.

Wishing you all a great week ahead and thank you for the continued support.

Sharing history about WW2.