Week Ahead In Discovery 18.09.233 November 2023 (by admin) |
Last week was a full school week and a very busy one too. The children have settled into a good class routine.
Last week was a full school week and a very busy one too. The children have settled into a good class routine.
In English/ Topic: We've been watching videos about WW2 and gathering information from other sources too in draft books. These notes will enable the children to write a fact file, using paragraphs taught in their SPaG lesson.
A chance to also talk about family members who had served in the war, please see picture below.
Maths: Continuation of Place Value Unit. Please ensure that your child is learning their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables regularly.
During the week, children will have the opportunity to stand for a school councillor position. However, they will need to prepare their speech to pervade their peers to vote for them. Good Luck!!
Homework: I'm hoping that all parents in Discovery would've received an email from Atom Learning. The children have also got their login details stuck in their planners. Homework has been issued already on the website with an extended completion date. There is additional maths worksheet to complete at home.
English work booklets have now arrived in school. These will be sent home on Friday 22nd Sep 23.
All homework must be submitted by Wednesday during the following week. In addition to this, daily reading for pleasure, spellings and times tables. Thank you all for your support in advance.
Open classrooms: I'm looking forward to seeing many parents tomorrow.
Wishing you all a good week ahead.