Nettlebed Community School

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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 11.9.23

Week Ahead In Discovery 11.9.23

3 November 2023 (by admin)

Wow! It has been a great start and a busy hot week in Discovery.

Wow! It has been a great start and a busy hot week in Discovery.

Straight into learning in all subjects. In English, the children have written a brief recount of their summer holidays. They will move on to writing a non-chronological report on WW2 over the next 2 weeks. Gathering information and presenting their work by applying their SPaG knowledge about using paragraphs.

Maths- Continuation of Place Value unit.

There is a slight change to the PE timetable

Tuesdays- Football

Thursdays- Gymnastics

Homework: Please check your child's bag for this week's homework.

Thank you and wishing you all a good week ahead.