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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator Term 1 - Final Week

Investigator Term 1 - Final Week

3 November 2023 (by admin)

Persuasive writing and debating important issues

Persuasive writing and debating important issues

The class learned about the features of persuasive writing last week through their analysis of wartime propaganda posters and Churchill's speeches, then had a go at writing their own persuasive pieces. They wrote either in favour of competitive sports in primary school or against them. We also held a live debate about the compulsory wearing of school uniform. Needless to say that children held strong views and both sides of the argument were well represented and strongly defended. Mrs Few and I were impressed and entertained by their passion! By the end of the debate both sides had managed to sway the views of at least one of the opposition.

Skipping Skipping and more Skipping! - Break times have been transormed following our skipping workshops. It has been a delight to see children practising their skipping skills and improving from day to day and indeed from breaktime to breaktime. Watch out for news of the National Skipping Challenge.

Next week in Investigator (among many other subjects) the core learning is...

War Horse Book Reviews

We are coming to the end of War Horse which has been a fantastic read. It has been wonderful to hear children reading aloud with increasing confidence and discussing aspects of the story with such insight and understanding.

We will research features of book reviews and consider their purpose before writing our own War Horse book review this week. I will be encouraging children to write book reviews throughout the year to add to our Investigator Book Reviews collection.


Y4 draw to a conclusion their addtion and subtraction unit. I am impressed with their use of maths language to describe operations and their secure methodolgy for written subtraction. We are also making good progress with reasoning and thinking about best methods for solving problems.

Y5 continue their multiplication and division unit with Mrs Greenwood.


The work of George Stubbs, well-known equine portraitist, will be our inspiration when children try their hand at sketching horses. It is notoriously difficult to represent a horse accurately and we will use online tutorials to help us. I am looking forward to seeing their efforts.

Wishing you all a great week and a wonderful Half Term break!