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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator T1Wk2

Investigator T1Wk2

3 November 2023 (by admin)

What a great start to the new school year! The children did not let the unseasonably warm weather get in the way of their learning and we had a very productive first week;

What a great start to the new school year! The children did not let the unseasonably warm weather get in the way of their learning and we had a very productive first week; children settled in to the new term fantastically and got on with their learning despite the discomfort.

Battles topic

In our topic work last week we created a timeline of major historical events in British history. This week we begin research on our focus battles: The Battle of Hastings, The Spanish Armada and The Battle of Britain. Children will research and create a fact file about each to gain an overview of them. Later we will look at each battle in greater depth.


We began work on our class reading book, Michael Morpurgo's War Horse. Children imagined themselves as the characters and wrote accounts and dairy entries.

Over the weeks, we will be reading the whole text in class, so there is no expectation for children to read this at home. Everyone should have another reading book as well as this class shared reading book. Children should be reading regularly at home in addtion to the daily sessions in school.


Spellngs were set last week and they will be tested on Thursday of the coming week.


At the start of the week, we thought about our important numbers and represented them in different ways. Can you work out the year of birth in the photo?
In maths next week we will continue the unit on place value.

Maths homework on Atom Learning will be set in due course.

Tuesday - PE and Forest School

On Tuesday Y5 will have their first Forest School session of the year. It will take place in the morning so children should come to school dressed for the outdoors and bring school uniform in a bag to change into for the afternoon session.

Y4 will do PE in the morning and should wear their PE kits to school as they usually do on a PE day.

Class Eco Councillors will be elected next week. Children have been asked to prepare a short speech if they would like to stand for election.


Have a great week everyone!