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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class
  3. Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 6

Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 6

3 November 2023 (by admin)

We ended the week with a brilliant skipping workshop - a huge thank you to Ms Roberts for organising it! The children thoroughly enjoyed trying to run in and out of the long rope.

We ended the week with a brilliant skipping workshop - a huge thank you to Ms Roberts for organising it! The children thoroughly enjoyed trying to run in and out of the long rope.

This week in history, we will begin with an analysis of some World War II posters then discuss the messages given and how they make us feel. We will complete a detailed reading comprehension to learn about key points of the battle. We will explore persuasive texts and then write our own, towards the end of the week. I hope to finish War Horse this week - the children have relished the story and have enjoyed the varied language.

Year 6 will continue and year 5 will begin units on multiplication and division. The children will also be working on their deeper understanding, reasoning and explanation of the problems they are solving.

Buddy Assemblies

It was wonderful to see some year 6 parents joining us for our buddy assembly last week, we look forward to our second assembly with speeches from the rest of year 6 this Friday at 2:45pm.

Have a brilliant week ahead!

Mrs Burbedge