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  1. News
  2. Unicorn Class
  3. Week Ahead In Unicorn Class 11.9.23

Week Ahead In Unicorn Class 11.9.23

31 October 2023 (by admin)

It has been lovely getting to know the children in Unicorns this week.

It has been lovely getting to know the children in Unicorns this week. They have settled in nicely and enjoyed exploring the Unicorn environment. Water play has been extremely popular in this hot weather with children carefully pouring, using pipettes, discussing what they are making and using brushes to paint the fence. This week we enjoyed listening to ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’, discussing the story, feelings, and dancing like the animals. We used words to describe the dancing such as swooshing, swirling, swishing, jumping, whoosh, fast, whirling, shuffling and swaying. We drew pictures of animals from the book.

Next week as part of our topic, ‘All about me’ Unicorn’s are going to be discussing their homes, what they might find in their homes, who is in their family and how each home can look different.

It would be great for the children to have photographs of themselves/ their family and bring in something special from home to show other children. We will be looking at differences, similarities, emotions, family friends and many other subjects. We are looking forward to seeing the children’s photographs and something special to show other children.

We will also be looking at the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and activities related to this. If you have a version of this at home your child is welcome to bring it in.

Have a lovely weekend, I look forward to seeing you all next week.